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Last chance, fancy-pants!

That’s right, y’all! You got about 6 hours left before this Member Drive is officially done!

Now, it’s true that you can become a Patron at any time. But right now is the best time.

Becaaauuse, if you join before midnight tonight, you get all of these awesome bonuses :

•10 bonus eBooks

•Personalized shoutout video

•Personalized postcard in the actual mail!

• choice of 7 day free trial or 2 months free off an annual membership!

Plus all the other awesome perks of membership, of course.

But you gotta join (or renew your membership) today!



The Member Drive is Live!

That’s right kids! Tell your friends, wake your parents and phone the neighbors cause the 2023 Patreon Member Drive is on!


Everyone who signs up before midnight on August 31st, you will receive

•A personalized art postcard from me!

•A personalized shout out/greeting video!

•10 bonus eComics from other awesome indie creators!

That’s in addition to the sweet bonuses you get with your membership!

•First look access to full comic pages, illustrations, and Kickstarters!

•Access to my +1000 page archive of comics!

•Sneak peeks, behind the scenes work-in-progress images, and speed drawings!

•Exclusive Patreon Cartoons

•Original art commissions!

• Automatic Kickstarter rewards!

•And more!!

Become an indispensable part of making The Canon of Vangel, possible! Become a Patreon Pal today and start reaping the benefits immediately!

Thanks to each and every person who makes this possible!

Be good. But not too good 😉


WHAT DO YOU WANT??? (tell me now!!)

Audience feedback time!

Because I want to keep things fresh for my beloved Patreon Pals, and  because I want to make becoming a Patron Pal more appealing for anyone who might be on the fence, I’m opening the floor to requests and input! Tell me what you want to see from me and you just might get it!

1. What Patreon rewards that I post are you enjoying the most?

2. Are there any Patreon rewards that I don’t post that you would like to see?

3. Is there something you see another Patreon creator doing that you’d like to see me do? (keep it safe for work, you…)

4. What could I do better?

Leave your answers in the comments below! I can’t wait to see what you have to say!


Had a grand and busy time at Denver Fan Expo last weekend! Big thanks to everyone who stopped by the table to say hi!

I’m also very happy to announce that, if you’re in the Denver area and you didn’t get a chance to visit, you can still acquire hardcopies of my books and support your local comic shops by visiting Mile High Comics, I Want More Comics, and Black and Read in Arvada.

Tell ’em Nathan sent you!

In other news, have yet another convention coming up this weekend in Minneapolis!

Convergence is a venerable local convention that is well attended and still locally owned and operated. It’s a staple of the local comic scene, and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that it is my first year vending or attending. Other commitments have kept me away thus far, but no more! I’m very much looking forward to seeing what has made this con stand the test of time.

If you’re in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area, I do hope I’ll see you there!

The Canon of Vangel, Issue 2 is LIVE!!

This is it!

The Canon of Vangel, Issue 2 is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER!

CLICK HERE to go to the page!

I have some cool early-bird rewards for you, and I want to make sure you don’t miss out on things like…

The first 25 returning backers will get a signed, Kickstarter exclusive mini print of the cover art with any physical reward!!

The FIRST 50 BACKERS of ANY tier will get this bonus bundle of comics added to their reward!

And the FIRST 100 BACKERS of ANY tier will get this bonus bundle of comics added to their reward!

There’s a lot of comics goodness on the table and it’s all up for grabs! The only thing missing is you!

CLICK HERE to back The Canon of Vangel, Issue 2 on Kickstarter!

We’re off to the races and you best believe there will be more soon!

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉